Hello, I am Amanda.

AKA, the caffeinated photographer!

With five of my own kids keeping me on my toes, I've mastered the art of capturing unforgettable moments amidst the chaos. Since 2007, I've been freezing time with my camera, chasing giggles, and occasionally bribing kids with snacks (no shame!).

I specialize in photographing the little humans who rule our hearts, the families that come in all shapes and sizes, the high school seniors ready to conquer the world, and the brave souls venturing into the wild world of marriage (but shhh... only a limited number, because sanity matters!).

As a small town girl, I'm inspired by the genuine connections and beautiful simplicity of life. Whether it's capturing the joy on a child's face or freezing a cherished family moment in time, my goal is to create photographs that tell your unique story.

When I'm not behind the camera, you'll find me indulging in my favorite hobbies: napping, appreciating good food, and keeping my caffeine levels just high enough to function as a supermom!

So, whether you're looking for an updated family portrait, a hilarious senior session, or a wedding day filled with love and laughter, I'm here to capture those genuine moments that make life extraordinary.